NEWS FLASH! Parrot Pockets are now owned and sold by Flight Club Foundation. Still the same amazing product made by The Parrot Lady, Debbie Goodrich.
Now Parrot Pockets serve far more purpose to help people and parrots around the world one Pocket at a time. All sales are donated to Flight Club Foundation which means we can authorize tax deductions for your purchases as donations!
Together, we can save parrots and people, too as parrots learn to work for food vs. getting it in their bowl.
Here are testimonials on our products from people and the birds themselves. We'd love to add yours today! Got a picture or a video of your parrot playing with Pockets? We'd love to share it right here! Enjoy watching your parrot work for the food and thrive when you can't be home.
We Guarantee EVERY Pocket to not be unsewn! We resew Pockets that "unzip"!

STUFF YOUR POCKET ANY WAY YOU LIKE!!!! Using pieces of broken wood toys lets that expense be used again and again until its nothing but dust!

WART at the Pepperberg Lab working on his Parrot Pocket.

“I have only hung one Pocket on a commons perch and is very well enjoyed. I interleave paper towels with treats, edible and not, and my plucking too has been working very hard to get stuff outta there. I do recommend them and hope you will continue creating foraging items for captive parrots.”
Susan G. Friedman, PhD
Living and Learning with Animals.

“I gotta tell you that Phoebe has been chew, chew, chewing on her Pocket all morning. I'm going to thell my friends about them.”
Elizabeth Knight, Phoebe's Mom

“The birds have all loved...the foraging aspect and shredding of these great toys!”
Kip Gardner

“...the lovebirds are using them...the small one I got is allowing them to get the food out of the top of the Pocket.”
Laura Haeder,
Ickie Bird Produtions

My rescued and plucked femaile greenwing macaw--the sweetest bird in the world--loves her old leather pocket! Your Pockets are perfect for the big birds and I will promote them among our foster households with the bigger birds...God knows, we have plenty. Go to Mickaboo.org to get an idea of all the birds we have to adpot.”
Josette Maury,
Mickaboo Sanctuary

“You can buy Debbie's fabulous Parrot Pockets in Kent, WA. Come out to Inca's Secret at 8433 S. 212th St. Suite #105. You can call in to order, too 253-437-1312. Even my birds love Debbie's Parrot Pockets!”
Lisa Brandmeier,
Owner, Inca's Secret Parrot toys and boarding.

“Just wanted to say I am so impressed with these pockets! I recently added one to my toy order from Busy Beaks and wow is it a hit! Will be ordering a few more soon!.”
Victoria Ashley, Bella's Mom

"I wanted to send you a pic of the Parrot Pocket I gave to my Umbrella Cockatoo over 5 months ago. She gnaws on it every day. As you can see, it has held up amazingly well. This is the Thick, Large size. I'll be keeping one in her cage forever! Thanks for a great product!"
Jeff Stewart, Inca's Secret

Renee Landin
Sydney loves her Parrot Pocket. Thank you for helping her occupying her time while I work.
Lisa Brandmeier

My baby green cheek conures flew over to the Pocket and went to town!

Debbie Goodrich, The Parrot Lady
My flock of professional parrots waste no time getting to their POCKETS often leaving the bowl behind as soon as they are filled! They love manipulating their tongues for each bite.